Simplifying the Rental Registry Process in Mountain View

City of Mountain View, CA

Solution Deployed
3Di Engage for Housing: Rental Registry
Launch Date
February, 2021

The Challenge

Home to over 75,000 residents, Mountain View is an innovative city located between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the San Francisco Bay in California.

In 2016, Mountain View voters passed the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act (CSFRA) to stabilize rents, provide eviction protections, and ensure fair rates-of-return on rental owners’ investments. CSFRA mainly required owners and tenants to report information such as rents, petitions, and tenancy terminations. These requirements created new tasks for the city too.

With CSFRA, Mountain View needed a modern system where the Rental Housing Committee could track the rents being reported, access rental registry data, communicate with owners and tenants, and many other activities they had never managed together. They needed an all-in-one solution to enforce CSFRA.

The Solution

Mountain View worked with 3Di to deploy an effective rental registry on the 3Di Engage software platform. This new solution empowers the city to:

  • Simplify information tracking – Mountain View city staff can easily collect and track rental data and trends. Berkeley’s Rent Board can get real-time reports with the information they need to make informed decisions related to Measure MM.
  • Centralize staff workflows – The city’s housing staff can operate and communicate within a single, connected platform so conversations and information always reaches the right people at the right time.
  • Offer owner and tenant communication channels – Both property owners and tenants can interact with the Rental Housing Committee for common activities like reporting rents, tenant petitions, and tenancy terminations.
  • Store and update rental registry documentation – City staff can securely upload documentation for properties and cases to keep things organized and easily accessible for future reference.
  • Create reports based on real-time data – The housing staff can quickly create detailed reports for city management based on accurate data from their rental registry solution.

Learn more about the impact the 3Di Engage platform can empower for your organization.