Deliverables-Based Information Technology Services (DBITS)
Partner with technology experts that know the public sector.
Modernizing the systems that power your organization is essential to fulfilling your mission today and in the future. But to do it well, you need a partner that understands the public sector as well as they understand technology. From advanced security and compliance requirements to unique procurement processes, we have decades of experience with the specific needs of organizations like yours.
3Di offers deliverables-based information technology services (DBITS) through a contract for the Texas Department Information Resources. This contract is for services ONLY. No hardware or software products may be sold through a DBITS contract.
Application Development
Maintenance and Support
Technology Upgrade
Digital Transformation
Enterprise Resource Planning
Staff Augmentation

How to Order
- For product and pricing information contact:
Carlos Culebro at:
(203) 449 – 8839 | - Generate a purchase order made payable to 3Di and you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5011 on your purchase order.
- E-mail or fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated vendor sales representative.
DIR Cooperative Contracts
Open Data Portal for the Cooperative Contracts DIR customer list (5000+ customers) is located here:

Get the power of the 3Di Engage platform.
Our housing products are built with 3Di Engage, a powerful software as a service (SaaS) platform designed for the way you work. This robust foundation means you can get up and running in a flash, avoid data and system silos, and easily add new solutions down the road. Plus, it runs on Amazon Web Services, which provides industry-leading reliability, security, compliance, and affordability.

Public Sector
22 States Empowered
3Di Solutions

Learn what are technology services can do for you.